Why Business Plans
6 Reasons Why Business Plans Are Important in Real Estate Investing Let's repeat some well-known business facts: a) 98% of all businesses in the USA are small businesses. b) 98% of all businesses fail in the first year, c) 100% of all failed businesses have well-understood reasons why they failed. With these three facts, we should be able to craft a business that has a more than average chance of success. Why businesses fail. All failed businesses share the same characteristic: they fail for one or more of the following reasons: 1) Undercapitalized. They don't have the financial strength to survive the startup period. 2) Weak Management. The current owner/manager simply doesn't have the skills to make the business flourish. 3) Wrong product. You can't sell what the public doesn't want to buy. 4) Wrong market. What you have may be attractive but the local market can't afford to buy it. hohodio hohodio hohodio hohodio hohodio hohodio hohodio hohodio...